Getting Healthy From the Inside Out

This blog is primarily a health and wellness blog, from the top of your head, to the soles of your feet and everything in between. These next few weeks I will be focused more on gut health because I am beginning to realize how important it is for overall health. If you are trying to lose weight, or grow your hair, or get clear skin, or do anything to improve your outward appearance without first focusing on what is going on inside your belly, you are fighting a losing battle. What we eat and how our stomach functions has the greatest effect on everything else going on with our bodies. So if you are eating junk, and drinking junk, then you will not see the results you want to have.

Believe it or not, most health issues start in the gut. "Does all Disease Really Begin in the Gut? The Surprising Truth" is a great article about the effect of poor gut health on the body. What goes on inside our gut will express itself outwardly in our bodies through weight gain, acne, boils, blemishes, black heads, discolored skin, and nails, poor hair quality, you name it. Those are just our looks. But there are other factors that can be attributed to poor gut health, and one that is getting greater attention is autism. Many autistic children have seen improvement in their behavior and moods by changing their diet and focusing on gut health. Autism Speaks published an article, “Autism Study: More Evidence Linking Altered Gut Bacteriato ASD,” that talks about how altered gut bacteria can affect brain function.

So what does that mean? The logical conclusion would be to focus on what you eat and make sure you are eating the most natural, organic, and healthy food you can find right? If you can afford it right? Unfortunately, even if you can manage to find the most natural foods, and can afford the increased price (whose idea was this?) you probably are still not taking in all the nutrients your body needs and you certainly are not healing the damage in your body caused by years of eating unhealthy foods. It is a worthwhile endeavor to eat whole, raw natural foods. But while you are focusing on putting better nutrients in to your body, you also need to remove all the years of toxins you have built up in your gut to get the effect of these healthier foods.

That is where Plexus

comes in. They have a Tri-Plex Combo pack, that when taken together will improve your gut health by flushing toxins out of your body and introducing good nutrients that will allow you to maximize the effect of the healthy food you eat. Their mainstay product, the Plexus Slim, focuses on regulating blood sugar and providing energy. The Bio-Cleanse is a detox product that helps to cleanse the body and remove toxins. The ProBio 5 is a probiotic that kills off bad gut bacteria and increases good gut bacteria for overall gut health.

I have been taking these products for about two weeks now and I have noticed that my skin is becoming clearer as a result of getting my body in line. Starting February 15, 2017, if you would like more information about these products, you can take advantage of the 7 day trial Plexus is offering for only $25 dollars. Not only do you get to try out the products for 7-days, but you will also be added to a group chat (on Facebook) where we will discuss the various products that Plexus offers and how they can increase your overall health. For more information, please comment below. You can also send me an e-mail at I hope you will seriously consider this offer as it is a great way to help improve your overall health. 


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