Vegan Level: Beginner

Vegan cornbread, mixed vegetables and rice

I am so proud of myself. I have been trying to go vegan off and on for a little over a year now and this week, I only ate vegan meals. (I had some gluten free chips with a hint of milk in them for flavor, I am sure, but for the purpose of this post, we aren’t counting it ;-))

Preparation, along with meal planning, is key to any diet change. I don’t really plan out a week’s worth of meals, but the night before, I prepare my breakfast, lunch, and my snacks. This saves me time in the morning and provides me with enough nourishment throughout the day so I am not tempted to grab something quick and meaty. I have been drinking a chocolate vegan protein shake with coconut milk, mangoes, and peanut butter every day. I also had a snack of chia seed pudding almost every day this week. 

Meal Prep: Boss Level

I wish I could say my kids were as enthusiastic about the diet change as I am, but truthfully, I think they have been eating more peanut butter and jelly for dinner than anything else. Still, I try to put as many fruits and vegetables before them as I can. 

I have been conscious about my health for years paying considerable attention to my weight after having three kids. I have tried eating paleo/primal. I have been on the green smoothie cleanse and lost 30 lbs., all of which I gained back. I have tried the HCG drops from Total Life Changes, the military diet, and so many other gimmicks.

The truth is, diets do not work. As soon as you come off a diet, you gain all the weight back. By paying attention to how my body reacts to food, I realized that my body has a bad reaction to gluten. So I have decided to eliminate it from my body. The other food I noticed my body does not react well to is meat.
While on the green smoothie cleanse eating/drinking green smoothies for at least two of my three meals and only eating eggs, I saw that my body really enjoys a plant based diet. I have more energy, get better rest, and feel better overall. By feeding my body a mostly plant based diet, I can optimize my health.

Don’t get me wrong, it is easy to be an unhealthy vegan if your only desire is to avoid meat. But if you want to really optimize your health, focus on eating more fruits and vegetables and nuts. I haven’t quite gone as far as the raw vegan yet, but I am sure it is sitting there somewhere in my future. 

Below are some of the vegan dishes I prepared this week. Drop some of your favorite vegan dishes in the comments. 

Meatless chicken with mushrooms and red bell peppers and broccoli

Cabbage and quinoa

Fried cauliflower wings (gluten free)

Queso made with cashews!


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