Consistency is the key to lasting weightloss

Over a month ago, I said I was going to do a 10 day weight-loss challenge with the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. I think I cheated everyday during that challenge, mostly with chips. It was not a good week for me. Obviously one of my New Years resolutions was not to be more consistent, or I would have posted an update a month ago.

However, I did lose weight during the challenge. I can't give you numbers, because I don't have any, but suffice it to say that I am sure I lost some weight in there somewhere (2 lbs., I just checked). Even after doing the 10 days, I committed to drinking a smoothie or two a day and eating healthy, which was going well. Then last week a co-worker came to me with a suggestion. Why don't we do the Atkins diet?

Admittedly I have not researched everything that goes along with the Atkins diet, but the first two weeks look like this: meat and vegetables. That's it. For two weeks. I can eat protein, preferably no nuts or cheese, and vegetables. There is a 21 carb limit a day. Honestly, it's not so bad. I have not been perfect on this either, but I think I am having a better time sticking to this than I was the green smoothies. I am also using my It Works Fatfighters to offset any extra calories I get from cheat meals.

For instance, today I had brussel sprouts and turkey sausage for breakfast and lunch. I had two eggs for my snack and then for dinner I had a salad topped with salmon, black olives, jalapenos, a tablespoon of blue cheese, 1/4th cup shredded cheese, and 3 tablespoons of this Strawberry Vinaigrette dressing by Olive Groves (so good). Then for good measure, I had a 4th of a chocolate bar I got from Kroger which equates to 6 carbs. I do not think I exceeded my carb count for the day, but just in case, I took my Fatfighters, which I think are actually working.

My pants are much loser today, and I am feeling good. Yesterday, for the first time in over a year, I ran at least a mile and a half without stopping. Then I did an ab work out and stretches.

I may not be consistent with my posting, I may not follow a consistent diet plan, but I am consistent in how much I am working toward my weight-loss goals. I am proud of where I am and how far I have come, and I look forward to losing even more following this plan.

Note: I would give you a weight loss update in numbers, but I am doing the no weigh May challenge where you way yourself at the beginning of the month and then do not weigh again until the end of the month. So check back on July 1 to see how much I lose. By the way, my starting weight was 182.

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